You don’t want to trust your oral health to just anyone. You must have a qualified professional caring for your teeth so you don’t have unnecessary problems in the future. How do you find the right dentist?
The following are four steps to get you started.
1. Check With Your Dental Insurance Provider
If you have dental insurance, check with your provider for a list of dentists covered under your plan. Chances are you’ll find a qualified dentist from this list who you feel comfortable with due to his or her credentials and work history. If you don’t have insurance or are ok paying for your dental care on your own, you can skip this step altogether.
2. Consider the Very Basics
The most experienced dentist in the world might be your number one choice, but if his or her office hours and location are completely inconvenient, even impossible to reach, it won’t do you any good. Consider some of the basics, like whether you can easily get to the dental office from your home or office. Make sure the dentist’s hours work with your schedule. Check to be sure your dentist is a member of the American Dental Association.
3. Start Making a List
With your insurance information in hand, begin to make a list of dentists you could potentially go to. You may have received ads in the mail, noticed billboards, or seen suggestions in social media ads. You might browse the internet, check the phone books or get referrals from friends.
With all of these resources, you’re almost certain to come up with a longer list than you’ll need. Take that list and consider the basics from step two. If any of the dentists on your list don’t comply with the basics, you can take them off the list.
4. Make Some Contacts
Make some phone calls, visit some dental offices and start to look into the dentists on your list. Some questions you might want to be answered could include:
- How well does the staff understand insurance, and are they willing to work with yours?
- Does the dentist focus as much on prevention as repairing problems?
- How are dental emergencies handled?
- Where did the dentist attend dental school? Does he or she have any additional certifications?
- How long has the dentist been practicing?
If there are any other questions you have or any other requirements, those should be addressed as you meet and speak to different dentists. During this time, you can begin to cross dentists off the list and circle those you’re impressed with.
Making an Appointment
After you have done your research and chosen a dentist, it’s time to make an appointment. Contact a dentist like one from Alliance Dentistry so you can get started on your way to better oral health.